LinkedIn Marketing Debate; Company Page Or Personal Profile?

LinkedIn Marketing Debate; Company Page Or Personal Profile?

LinkedIn is one of the top social media profiles in the world. It’s a platform that allows professionals to literally post their resume and experience and be seen by thousands of potential employers. Along with that, you can connect with other professionals and share information about your products or services either with the hope of making sales or getting a new job. Some people just use their profile so that they can share their company information and showcase some of their talents on a platform viewed by businesses throughout the world. It’s one of the most reliable and effective options of social media, but does that mean it’s the best option for you to market your company?

Thousands of companies have created pages on LinkedIn to try and market their services or products, share content, post updates about the company and build a following. It’s a great platform to do it with but there are two issues that come up, cost and reach. LinkedIn is the most expensive social media platform to market on and it costs three or four times what Facebook does per impressions and clicks. That doesn’t mean that it’s a bad platform to use, but you have to be aware of that before you begin any advertising. The other issue for company pages is reach. Your posts are only going to reach a percentage of your followers and that means a small number of active users are going to see your content.

So, is there a different option for marketing on LinkedIn? Yes, using personal profiles rather than company pages. LinkedIn allows you to market your talents via personal profiles, something Facebook doesn’t allow. You can post full articles, share content, advertise messages to other users and also join groups that focus on specific topics relevant to the industry you are focused on. It’s a great platform to connect with other users at any level of business and reach out to them to introduce yourself and your skillset.

The article options are great as well as they can be ranked on Google and shared throughout the web, even if you do not have a large following. Company pages do not have the same capabilities which is why personal profiles present a more affordable and reliable option that you should consider, especially as you look for long-term ways to market yourself and your brand. Everyone should spend at least an hour a day on their profile, connecting with new people and adding new content, whether it’s a post, articles or something else.

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