Tag - call to action

5 Call To Actions That Work Great For Retail

Consumers love to be educated. Advertising is a chance to educate the consumer in a very short period of time. The good news, most consumers do not want to spend a lot of time researching. They want instant gratification, they want to see an ad for a sale, click on the ad and get a great deal and then tell everyone about their purchase and how much they saved. Your job as a business is to educate the consumer as [...]

The Best Call To Actions For The Automotive Industry

Whether it’s email marketing, ads on social media or display, pay per click ads or something else, every ad that’s ran needs to have a strong call to action. Most people think that a CTA isn’t important, that it doesn’t make a difference. Studies have proven that viewers of ads will respond more often to ads with a strong CTA than they will to ads that do not have one. If you are planning on sending out an email campaign [...]

Call To Actions For Holiday Sales

It doesn’t matter the holiday, consumers are always looking for great deals. Whether it’s televisions, mattresses, cars, vacation packages or something else, it’s important that you use a good call to action to get people interested in your holiday promotion. The first question most businesses ask is if a call to action will really make that much of a difference in their marketing efforts? The answer is yes, but it also requires realistic expectations. The idea of a CTA is [...]

Selecting The Best Holiday Call-To-Actions

For some, a call to action may seem easy to figure out. What’s so hard about putting “Click here to learn more” on an image? However, one of the mistakes businesses make during their marketing campaign is that they take their CTA for granted and do not do enough research on what the goal of each campaign is.   For most businesses, the goal of the campaign is to get sales. However, the problem is that you cannot immediately introduce content [...]