Tag - Display Ads

Don’t Be Shy About Your Marketing

We’ve all seen a bad commercial. The images stink, the acting looks bad and it’s annoying to the eyes and especially the ears. The worst part is that those commercials are shown over and over again. Why do these companies show this stuff to us? Because they know that even though their commercial is bad, it’s going to leave an impression with you and you will remember it more than something that is good. That doesn’t mean you should do [...]

Putting Your Advertising Efforts On Display

Among the choices for advertising are television and radio ads. The idea used to be simple, millions of people hear or see your ad on a continued basis and even if they do not react to it, they see your name and your promotion and it helps build your brand, eventually leading to a sale. This is the old school method for getting eyes on your brand. You cannot prove numbers, you cannot prove that it gets results and [...]

What You Need To Know About PPC

It doesn’t matter what you are doing with your internet marketing campaign, if you want fast results, you have to pay for them. PPC (Pay Per Click) was designed to be the great equalizer, where companies had the opportunity to literally buy your interaction, not just your attention, but to actually have you click on their ad and visit their site. Imagine if a soda company only had to pay for television ads if someone actually clicked on it? [...]