Enter To Win, Why Every Business Should Run Contests Online

Enter To Win, Why Every Business Should Run Contests Online

Marketing is a true battle. You are fighting hundreds of other businesses of all shapes and sizes for the attention of the consumer. You need to be found in the right place at the right time, but you also need to be able to reach consumers and introduce your brand to them when they aren’t even aware of you. The question isn’t whether or not you need to market, it’s how you should market? Social media presents a unique option to businesses as consumers are constantly on their profiles and have a higher retention rate for the content, they view than anything else.

The problem is every time you try and run a campaign on social media you do not see much as far as traffic and especially sales. Why is that? It’s because people are not ready to buy from a social media add. They go on Facebook and Instagram for information and entertainment, not to buy stuff. So, does that mean it’s not worth your time? Of course not, social media is one of the best platforms for you to market on and your business will greatly benefit from having people engage and follow you throughout the day.

The rule of social media marketing is to focus on frequency, not sales. However, one of the ways you can use these sites to your benefit is to have a contest each month or one that runs a couple of months. During this contest you are giving away something. It could be anything, free gift cards, apparel, products or services you offer or anything else you can think of. You broadcast the campaign throughout social media, boosting it to people who fall into the category of your ideal consumer audience and go from there.

The goals are to introduce your brand to these consumers and build your own email database. This gives you an opportunity to send these consumers weekly or monthly emails, informing them on new offers and other things about your business and building trust in your brand. Eventually, these emails will result in long-term relations with the consumers and increase your chances of getting sales.

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