Running Ads In Gmail

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Running Ads In Gmail

Gmail presents and interesting platform when it comes to digital marketing. For starters, people who have accounts with this site will spend hours a day in it, receiving and sending emails. Also, just like with social media, when they are using these sites and apps, they are giving more of their attention than they do on other forms of media. Along with that, there are over 1.2 billion active accounts in Gmail, meaning that this is something you really should be adding to your marketing efforts.

So, how is the best way to utilize this platform? Banner ads are smart or those ads that look like an actual email. However, the smartest way to utilize this platform is a combination of search marketing and retargeting. The idea is not only proven, but completely run through Google. Whenever someone goes to Google and searches for something like health insurance, ads will appear within their Gmail about affordable health insurance rates. Coincidence? No, it’s because the world’s largest search engine knows that the user is looking for information on this topic and ads relevant to it will have a higher chance to convert.

Remember, in the eyes of marketing and search engines, a conversion is a click from a potential customer who spends more than five seconds on the site. That’s a conversion because it means someone was presented an ad and had a real interest in it and the site they went to. This does not necessarily mean sales will follow. The best way to improve the chances of getting sales with this, and any other form of marketing, is to actually add retargeting to your efforts.

We’ve spoken about retargeting multiple times and how it allows you to follow people who have visited your site in the past for 90 days, reminding them of your brand and offering new promotions so that you can encourage the user to return to the site. This service has the highest conversion rate of all digital marketing. However, when you combine it with Gmail ads, you have a much higher chance of getting strong conversions as the initial traffic is coming from people who are already searching for a product or service that your company offers. If you want to create a more dynamic marketing strategy that allows you to reach the right type of consumer, as they are actively searching for your assistance, and keep your brand in front of them, at an affordable rate, via the worlds most used and trusted search engine, you cannot beat this strategy.

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