5 Reasons Your Traffic May Not Be Turning Into Sales

5 Reasons Your Traffic May Not Be Turning Into Sales

You’ve run dozens and dozens of campaigns and you see traffic, real traffic, coming to your site every day. You have a strong promotion, but you are not seeing sales and your immediately thought is that something is wrong with your marketing efforts. This is a common mistake in business as we look at the results rather than what went into a campaign to determine whether or not it was successful. Yes, your business needs to generate sales but if you are seeing strong traffic from your efforts and few conversions, you may have to look at other potential reasons for the problem. Here are five common reasons why successful marketing campaigns do not generate sales:

  • Functionality of the site: This is one of the biggest factors when running a campaign. How difficult is it for the user to find the product or service they want, or was advertised, and then purchase it online? That’s an important question because if the consumer has to deal with slow load time or go through a maze, they are not going to buy from you.
  • Lack of web presence: Traditionally, consumers who are driven to a business they’ve never shopped with will head to Google and research the brand before going back and buying from them. If they search your name and find no credible information or bad reviews, do not expect them to buy from you.
  • Generating traffic at the wrong time or day: When are you sending ads to consumers? Are you sending it at a Tuesday at 10 am? That’s a good time for engagement, but not for conversions. People buy at night and on weekend, not while they are at work. The smart play is to hit the audience twice, sending out content during the workday and then again over the weekend to remind them.
  • Weak promotion or high prices: 20% off may seem like a good offer, but not if you are 50% higher than your competitors. Research what the prices are for the services and products in your industry and that will give you an idea of why people may not be buying from you.
  • Branding traffic vs sales traffic: Remember, if you are introducing your business to a new consumer, there’s a good chance they are only going to your site to research your promotion and learn more about you. It does not mean they are ready to buy anything. That’s why sending multiple campaigns is so important and conversion rates usually go up after the 7th or 8th time the consumer receives content.

One and done campaigns rarely generate sales, especially if you do not have an established brand. If you want to improve your marketing efforts, you may want to take a look at these tips before changing your campaign or giving up on it all together. This could make a major difference on future efforts.

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