Tag - Market Your Shopify Site

Ecommerce Startup? Follow These Steps!

The important thing to remember when it comes to ecommerce businesses is that you have to do things the right way. It doesn’t matter who you are, you cannot make a mistake right out of the gate that costs you thousands of dollars. You have to put a strategy together and allow your business to grow the right way. Here’s the best way to get started: Do not pay thousands for a site: You cannot pay thousands of dollars [...]

How To Market Your Shopify Website

Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce solution platforms that allows small business owners to put their entire store online at a low price. One of the biggest advantages the platform offers is that anyone can do it as it does not require any web design experience and it is also very affordable. Businesses pay a small monthly fee which includes customer support and assistance and then a small fee per each transaction made through the site. For a [...]