Data Marketing Facts and Opportunities

data marketing

Data Marketing Facts and Opportunities

You’ve been trying to get the facts about data marketing because your competitors are having a great deal of success with it. How does it work? How much does it cost? How can you utilize it? What is the potential ROI that it offers? With so many questions and chances for confusion, it’s important that we start with the basics about using a database and how it can benefit your company in the short-term as well as the long-term. Remember one thing as you get started, the goal of every campaign is to reach the right audience and introduce your brand, not to generate sales because that’s asking a lot, especially early on in your use of the list.

Getting The Right Data

One of the challenges every company has is building their own database. The problem is that it takes time and money and you also have the issue of finding the right audience and getting them to opt-in. For example, if you sell cars and you want to target an audience of Men, over 35 who have an income of over $100,000 and live within 25 miles of the dealership, few platforms offer that kind of specific targeting. A shortcut that’s not only easier but more affordable is to use the database of an agency like DigDev Direct.

Understanding How To Use It

As we mentioned earlier, you cannot just send a single campaign out and expect to see results. Real campaigns require months of email blasts to the same audience, understanding that you are introducing your brand and building a connection with the consumer. Along with that, you need to make sure that you are sticking with the calendar as far as when it comes to promote. Sticking with the car dealership example, sending an ad out on a Tuesday does not mean you will get sales that day. Even if you offer the best possible offer on a new car, chances are you are mostly going to see traffic. Why is that? Because consumers save major purchases for weekends, especially holiday weekends.

In fact, studies show that you are more likely to get sales from a Saturday advertisement where the prices are discounted 20% than you would on a Tuesday advertisement where the prices are discounted 40%. Again, you have to think like a consumer and reach them at the right times.

Get Social

One of the best things about using data is that you have additional options including uploading the list on Facebook to hit the same audience. Imagine someone who has never heard of you now receives monthly emails and sees your ads on social media as well. Eventually, they are going to become interested in what you’re offering them. With targeting options very limited, it’s best to have a data source to rely on.

Keep It Simple Each Month

Whether you have access to a database or have your own, it can be very tempting to want to send out emails every couple of days because you see it as a way to generate sales. That strategy is also a great way to get people to start ignoring your content as soon as they see your brand. You need to space out your emails at least once every two weeks, if not once a month. The only time it’s okay to really get aggressive is if you are having a major sale or a holiday weekend is coming up. Then, you want to send out at least three or four campaigns to the same audience letting them know about the deal.

If you learn the advantages of data marketing and how it can benefit you, your business will have a new and affordable way to market to consumers for years.

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