What’s Your SEO Score?

What’s Your SEO Score?

We live in a world of instant gratification. We want results and we want it now. People fail to see the value of working for something, putting time into it and then benefiting from that effort. A great example of that is search engine optimization. You need to put in the time to develop a healthy website, create content, target the right keywords and follow the rules Google has created to get your website to rank.

Why Do I Need SEO?

Every day, your potential customers are going to Google to get information. They want to find a product or service that you offer. Not being ranked on the site means you are missing out on getting that customer. To make matters worse, your competitors are getting them and turning them into long-term clients.

Being found on search engine sites comes down to either paying per click or being ranked organically. PPC is a great way to get fast traffic but some keywords can cost hundreds of dollars per click depending on what industry you are in. However, when you utilize search engine optimization, it doesn’t cost you anything to get clicks. This is why everyone needs to know their SEO Score!

Before you go to test your score, there are a few things you should know:

  • What is it based on? The score is based on the overall health of your website, how closely it follows the rules of standard search engine optimization, load time, keyword use throughout the site and more.
  • How are my competitors doing? Another thing to consider is what the competition is doing? If they are already ranked, this may be a great opportunity for you to get an idea of what they are doing well so you can get some ideas.
  • How can I improve it? Once you see the list of areas you can work on as well as what your competition is doing, you can start to formulate a game plan and launch a more effective campaign.

Search engine optimization and other internet marketing strategies are important for the long-term success of your company. When you look for quick results you need to understand that it costs more money to produce them. However, if you are in this for the long-run and you set your site and marketing campaign up for success, you will benefit from years of steady traffic and conversions.



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