Tag - email

Adding Data To Your Marketing

What type of marketing have you done in the past 12 months? Are you spending time on Google, social media, running ads via email or YouTube? Who is receiving your ads and are they responding? The problem most businesses run into with their marketing is that they do not invest enough time and money into making sure it produces quality results. For example, you run a single Facebook ad and get some traffic but no sales. Why do you think [...]

Advertising Vs. Marketing

The majority of business owners do not know the difference between marketing and advertising. That’s a problem because it leads to unrealistic expectations, mistakes in strategy and rushing to get results. Understanding the difference, how they both can help your business and how to utilize them can go a long way in building a successful business that generates sales and develops long-lasting relationships with customers. Marketing Marketing is the focus on building a brand, a presence, introducing your business to consumers. [...]

Passive Vs Active Marketing

Every business needs to market themselves. However, the most effective way to market yourself is going to be based on your location, industry, goals, budget, resources and other factors. Most companies need to rely on multiple forms of marketing to get the best results. Some methods work better for short-term and some are better suited for long-term campaigns. When done correctly, these different strategies can work together to help build your brand and tap into a dependable source of traffic. Understanding [...]

Planning Your Marketing Strategy For 2017

2017 is going to be an important year for many businesses around the country. As you take a look back at 2016 you want to identify what worked, what didn’t work and why? There are plenty of variables that influenced your internet advertising results and you want to learn from that as you put your 2017 marketing plans in action. Every business and industry is different and you need a custom plan that will show favorable results. DigDev Direct [...]